Penetration Testing and
Vulnerability Management

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Security Testing that uncovers vulnerabilities, threats & risks in corporate network & web application

Penetration testing is a cybersecurity best practice that helps ensure that IT environments are properly secured and vulnerabilities are appropriately patched.

Penetration testing involves a planned cyber-attack performed on an organization with skilled ethical hackers. It will be a well-planned attack performed under controlled conditions simulating a real-world attack. The test helps in finding the vulnerabilities that can be exploited and figuring out the security posture of the company. Depending upon the type of test an organization and the type of assets to which the attacks are planned, the tests performed vary.

Cyberwall provides Penetration testing services for your critical IT systems, networks, as well as web applications. Our proven methodology provides actionable steps to ensure the security of your IT infrastructure.

The proposed ethical Penetration Testing will discover and enumerate targets within the Client network, attempt to exploit vulnerabilities present on in-scope systems and web applications through the network to confirm the effectiveness of existing segmentation controls, and prepare a report of findings with prescriptive recommendations to enhance overall security within your environment.

➤ Approach and Methodology

Cyberwall will conduct external and internal Vulnerability Scan, and Penetration Testing against the Client network environment. Our testing methodology is based on best practices and is aligned with NISTSP800-115 and the testing requirements from the PCI Security Standards Council(PCI SSC).

The following high-level steps describe our approach for performing the requested penetration testing.

  • Step 1 –Discovery
  • Step 2 – Attack & Exploit
  • Step 3 – Exploit Clean-up
  • Deliverables Penetration Testing Report

The proposed testing will follow a safe, controlled and non-destructive process to discover, enumerate and test identified security vulnerabilities present on target network assets. Insights provided by the penetration test can be used to fine-tune your security policies, change configuration and patch detected vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Management

Eliminate vulnerabilities within your network, systems, applications, or cloud to protect your critical IT assets

Our vulnerability management experts help you go beyond basic scanning by: defining key risk areas, analyzing scan results with intelligence-driven context, customizing reporting for clear visibility, and coordinating remediation activities. It is imperative for any organization to implement an effective Vulnerability Management to safeguard against attacks and threats in the IT environment. We track every vulnerability till it is brought to closure.

Vulnerability Assessment

With the evolving technology, cyber attackers are also evolving. Are your company’s IT systems vulnerable to attacks by malicious outsiders? Could internal enemies damage your data security? Cyberwall’s vulnerability assessment services can help you answer these important questions– mapping out a prioritized pathway to increased cybersecurity for your business. Businesses are under tremendous pressure to upgrade their IT infrastructure and ensure that they identify all the vulnerabilities within their IT infrastructure before any cyber-attack exploits them.
Cyberwall is one of the leading vulnerability assessment service providers with a highly experienced team of cybersecurity analysts and consultants.
Vulnerability scanning is the systematic identification, analysis and reporting of technical security vulnerabilities that unauthorized parties and individuals may use to exploit and threaten the confidentiality, integrity and availability of business and technical data and information.

Our vulnerability scan service provides visibility into your IT infrastructure vulnerabilities for your organization without the added expense of additional staff or training. Our service includes:

  • Internal and external vulnerability scans at predefined scheduled
  • Optional Additional remediation scan
  • Reporting on vulnerabilities, weaknesses and missing patches that expose potential exploitation
  • Assessment report with critical, high, medium and low severity vulnerability result. Internal vulnerability and external vulnerability assessments are done separately based on predefined scope and reported to client.
  • Full Access to the Vulnerability Scanning Reports for interactive access and research

In addition to reporting on the vulnerabilities we discover, Cyberwall provides remediation guidance and risk scoring to ensure your teams have the information necessary to prioritize remediation efforts.